Fix Ubuntu Resolution Problem

Fix Ubuntu Resolution Problem


2 min read

This fix addresses a specific issue I encountered in Ubuntu regarding resolution settings. If you encounter an inconvenient display resolution on your Ubuntu system that hinders your productivity and cannot find any resolution options within the display settings, the following solution may be helpful.

While numerous solutions involving xrandr and cvt exist in the Ubuntu community and on Stack Overflow, I attempted them all without success. Despite their successful execution, none of these solutions affected my system's resolution. After extensive research, I discovered a remarkably simple fix that resolved the issue, which proved to be easier than the commonly suggested solutions.

Let's fix it!

  1. The first step is to know the best resolution for your computer or laptop. You can just execute this command to list the available resolution in your Ubuntu terminal.

     xrandr --current

    If the above command disappoints you. Worry not! You can view your laptop or PC documentation to know your resolution or try this link to Check the screen resolution online.

  2. In the terminal type the below command to open the grub file to change the default resolution.

     sudo nano /etc/default/grub
  3. Find the line that starts with GRUB_GFXMODE. This line specifies the default resolution of the GRUB menu. (This line will be commented on by default).

    Screenshot of grub file

  4. Uncomment the line GRUB_GFXMODE by removing the leading hash (#).

  5. Now set your desired resolution to the screen by editing the line GRUB_GFXMODE is as follows.


    You can change the "1280x1024" with your desired resolution. I used that resolution because it is the most common resolution on the screen.

  6. Now save the file using Ctrl+S and Ctrl+X since we have opened the file using the nano editor. If you opened using any other editor please follow related notations.

  7. To ensure that the changes made in the "/etc/default/grub" file take effect, it is necessary to update the Grub bootloader by executing the following command:

     sudo update-grub
  8. You are all set! Now reboot the system.

Hurray! you have a beautiful screen.
